Sunday, December 9, 2007

Knowledge Deficit r/t nursing shortage

Hey everyone in blogoworld! Kelly here! I'm going to delve right in.

You know what? The nursing shortage is OVERDONE. To even get an interview in the ICU here, you need a 3.8 undergrad GPA. What type of shortage is THIS? Nonexistent. Also, you shouldn't go around bragging about a shortage. If you were a factory worker, and there was a lack of factory workers, it would be completely nonproductive if you went around talking excessively and writing 8,828.34 academic papers about "oh man, there are SOOOOO few factory workers!" No! Keep the lack of competition and wages up! I'm not telling anyone about nursing, it'll be our little secret.

So the moral of today is: please don't write another token paper about the nursing shortage AND the answer is NEVER "knowledge deficit" in maternal/newborn. Oh, and know EXACTLY how much spermicide to put on a diaphragm, because that is also always so useful in my everyday life workin' my corner (5cc). Shiny gems of wisdom, I'm telling you.

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