Sunday, December 9, 2007

Knowledge Deficit r/t CPR Recertification

What's up with yearly CPR recertification? Honestly, yearly is completely unneccessary. All I want to do over my Christmas break is eat Cuban sandwiches (Tampa, kids, no place better) and play with my pet snakes, not worry about going to a "refresher" CPR course before I start coop.

It's not like anything changes. A total idiot can figure out how to do CPR just from watching TV.
Step One: Push on chest. Encourage unconscious patient to stay with you! Stay with you!
Step Two: Breathe into patients mouth. Ambu bags? What are those? I've got a perfectly good mouth!
Step Three: Repeat insome kind of ratio until life is miraculously saved (Act Humble) or uninterrupted beeping sound is heard (Act Stoic).

Recertification should only take place when the rules actually change, or else every 2 years. And then, it shouldn't be a several-hour long class where you practice beating on extremity-less manikins which feel nothing like humans. It should be a piece of paper: Oh, instead of 30 compressions and 2 breaths, we're back to 15 compressions and 2 breaths? Cool, I needed a break!

CPR recertification classes should just be watching an episode of ER. The only nurses that will regularly do compressions are:
a) on the code team, sort of their daily routine
b) any males in the vicinity, this is a time to enforce gender roles
c) angels of death, check the hospital for missing epi!


1 comment:

nunana said...

hi ! i'm student nurse too :D